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Honorable Citizenship Cannot Be Restored by Protest in Kitchens

December 14, 2010
Mikheil Kavelashvili, Geneva,

Freedom, dignity, sympathy, love and protection of human rights – are essential not only for the nation but for each person. So, we, ordinary citizens of this country, are obliged to protect the honor and freedom of our country and each person by standing together.

The government frauds the elections, threatens people with imprisonment, wastes money during elections to bribe people, controls national TV-Channels and we can see fear and feeling of injustice on the faces of people. They are subdued and enslaved. In parallel to it, a new group of people with the name “wealthy (snacked) slaves” appeared in this insulting environment. These people get salaries from the government in exchange of the honor. In exchange of this salaries and welfare, they are ready to agree with every decisions of the government, and blench on their crimes. These people try, to justify their activities – the position of the snacked slaves- in the society and the most urgent is that they introduce a new standard of life which the previous generations have lived during Soviet Regime and what the current authority formally fights against. Nowadays, they expose their own position – privileged status – as the only source of income and inculcate similar life claiming that life is possible only in this way and realize professional interests.

They have their own rules and if you decide to receive the status of the snacked slave they are ready to provide you with consultations (teach you with eagerness) how to behave: not to criticize the government, to do your best to justify the illegal decisions of the government and when it is difficult just to stay in the position of ostrich; that there is the best solution – I have not heard, have not seen anything and generally you are not interesting in the politics at all.

Besides that, your support for the government shall be felt somehow. You should restrain from public speeches, free discussions, professional analyze with the government or people close to the authority and if you decide to be successful in your field, you will not need high professional skills at all – here you will have to use other methods. First of all, you should praise the government and demonstrate your devotion to it; or hypocrisy (perfect forms of hypocrisy and flattery), gratitude towards the leaders of the government. And one more, many other methods that can be used. After all these, you are almost guaranteed to be promoted or be wealthy slave.

So, these “wealthy slaves” are not strangers for us. Unfortunately they are our relatives, our flesh and blood, and our neighbors and if this reality and trend keep on, it will have very negative impact on our future generation. So, we should do our best to create free and honorable environment for them.
Today, our government is the winner; they have defeated their own population. Yes, they have subordinated and threatened, insulted and degraded their citizens. It is true about most part of our society who claims that this government is not theirs.

Now their aggression shifted towards the opposition. Somebody might see real reasons in it, but the opposition, like the government, originated from our society. We should confess that their activities resulted from our weakness and responsibilities. Today, people often speak about our president and his government. One part of the society call them American project; another part – Russian project. Several people doubt about their ethnicity in order to blame other people in general problems and explain the complicated situation somehow. Current government is the Georgian project and its acknowledgement demonstrates irresponsibility of the Georgian society.

An independent and free individual willing to pursue creative activity faces one main problem – this field is controlled by the government; is under the government’s pressure and independent existence is virtually impossible. Thus, nothing new that can be of high quality, non-partisan and non-governmental is created. Georgia is under stagnation. People never hurt by this problem confirm this fact as well. It is no wonder that in the environment where almost every sphere is working on the satisfaction of one individual’s taste, where people are promoted and resigned not by their professional work, but their devotion, nothing valuable can be created. The state where things like this happen has nothing to do with liberty and dignity.

People who are indifferent and explain this by their apolitical attitude, are not honest as the issue of political taste is not the violation of one’s human rights.

I also want to address the pro-governmental public: if you think that you represent majority, observe: while talking with the Western states, government explains the restriction of liberty by your ignobility. Wake up and you will see what is behind the construction of roads and bridges, who is getting rich and how you are used.

Now the main issue:

We mistakenly put the crucial importance on the politicians. Some of them are requesting changing the election environment, some are for taking radical steps, others support the constructive opposing. Someone is protesting against the constitutional amendments. They are seeking political ways for changing government and the government plays with these so-called political parties collaborating on whatever they agree on and opposing whatever they disagree with. So to say, government is playing democracy to show off in front of the West. But I want to say something else – politicians are using people. They are noting on the will of Georgian people. For instance, the constructive people support conducting elections in the established terms, but if the majority of public decide to conduct elections in other terms, then they stand by people… who are Georgian people today? Is the strength of Georgian people felt today?

I am sorry but when there is a talk about the will of Georgian people, I think they mean the virtual, not the real world. Only with honest and unselfish input it is possible to restore dignity.

The election environment, the constitutional rights, the recommendations of our partner countries, considering interests of USA and EU, factor of Russia, unification of the country, education reform, constructing new road and bridges and other important issues, are of secondary when the main thing – human dignity – is tarnished and the human is ripped of its freedom granted by God.

How many people have been insulted! How many people’s dignity has been tarnished under government’s conditions! How many people are suppressed and intimidated! This has been done against us, Georgian citizens.

What is the strength of people? People’s strength is in understanding, love and protecting truth and dignity. We have to develop these feelings among one another.

Western language calls this solidarity. The whole civilized world stands on it. It is possible that neighbors do not know each other in European countries, but if the government dares and treats them badly, tarnishes dignity of one of its citizens, not only the neighbor, but the whole city and the whole country will stand by this person. This does not require special heroism, nor grandiloquent texts or special concepts.

This requires only free people.

Despite the heaviness of nowadays situation, the approach needs to change at this phase. When we fall in a severe reality like this, the public should not be dependent on the political decisions. Just opposite, everybody should take off its political clothes and stand by people.

When the political fight turned into farce, when the dignity of the whole public is tarnished and the politicians cannot protect it, when the political weapon cannot bring good for public, I ask you once again: take off political robe and let’s stand together despite the political differences. Let’s fight for dignity and freedom together.

Without any political expectations! Without the careerist expectations and fanatical revenge and leaders.

If the nation rejects the idea of undignified life, then it is possible to realize freedom.

People who pay money to government for slavery, should be liberated because their place is in the public. Public needs their support. Their every song in the governmental table is tarnishing public’s interests.

The issues of development, stability and security lie in the restoration of dignity. We should isolate ourselves from that terrible falseness that comes across at every step and poisons Georgian public that shamelessly falls not only from Georgian media, but in front of the whole civilized world.

Honorable citizenship cannot be restored by protest in kitchens.

It is hard to imagine that people in the public services will pack their bags tomorrow and reject the status that is both bread-giving and slavery bond. But the public should develop feeling that their dignity is of common care and they too should have expectation that the dignified life will be guaranteed for them.

If the Georgian public wishes to restore its dignity, Georgian citizens will hold hands of not only their colleges, neighbors, co-citizens, but also the constitutional balance and justice.

Without dignity it is impossible to restore the territorial integrity or adopt constitution.
