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Reconciliation with Abkhaz and Ossetian People; Or When Time Cannot Cure

March 5, 2010

Vasil Maghlaperidze

2010 has started and one more year separates us from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. If it continues like that, in 20-25 years, those Abkhaz and Georgian people, who still remember that once Abkhazia was part of Georgia, will be over 50. For that time, nobody will care who will recognize their independence and who will not. Everybody will put up with reality.

20-25 years is not a long time, time will run fast. According to the current understanding of conflicts in Georgia it is not clear when or how the country will be unified. Unfortunately, process of adaptation to disintegration of the country goes on alongside loud rhetoric.

Let us view the attempts of our government to resolve the problem:

a) The government clarifies to European states and international organizations that Russia is undemocratic and aggressor country and it is necessary to carry out stricter and more stubborn policy towards them. Ally states call upon Russia to be less aggressive and time to time they make statements that they support territorial integrity of Georgia.
b) The government, in fact, declines all kind of relationship with current authorities of Abkhazia and South Ossetia until they integrate with Georgia. They call upon other states to blockade the break-away regions; the authority has adopted the law which envisages liability of people who will enter occupied regions bypass Georgia.
c) The government, in fact, refuses to start dialogue with Putin authority, until our territories are occupied by Russia.

That is all; unfortunately we cannot add anything more, if we do not consider TV advertisements about reorganization and rearmament of Georgian Army. However, we should not argue that it is impossible to reintegrate our state by military ways.

Let us discuss which of these attempts can bring us closer to unification of the country?

a) International support is very important, but as it seems now, even in future it will be only on the level of declaration and we should not expect any effective steps take by western countries. Although part of Georgian politicians and experts often jokes that Abkhazia and Ossetia is recognized only by Russia, Venezuela and Nauru, it is not funny topic for our ally states. Apparently, they need not explanations what kind of state Russia is. Number of countries, which will recognize independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, has only symbolic meaning for separatists and it will only rise their ambition; the most important issue is that Russia recognized them and deployed its forces there.
After that, theoretically, Russia might cede those territories only for two reasons: if it is under strong military or economical oppression. Theory remains theory; in fact nobody is going to discuss similar possibility. Nobody thinks to isolate Russia or impose sanctions on it. Just the opposite, they speak about overloading relations with Russia, about intensification of their military and economical cooperation with Russia, etc.

International support is important, but, we should be more realistic; only declarations about their support will not bring more results in 2110 or in 2015 and in 2025 than we had in 2008-2009. Hoping that one nice day Europe and America will seize our territories from Russia and give them back to us is complete nonsense. Besides that, until we have their support and topic is not closed, Georgia has chance for unification and instead of stupid rhetoric it is necessary to take effective measures to use current possibilities.

b) It is clear that Georgia’s strategic interest is to reduce Russian control over secessionist regions; thus, the aim of lasting blockade is unclear. In fact, with this blockade, Georgia pushes Abkhazia and South Ossetia to cooperate with the  rest of the world only through Russia and assists their integration with Russia. Besides that, this blockade supports the opinion of separatists that Georgia is their enemy and Russia is their friend. It is high time for the authority to inform Georgian population on the results of their blockade and what we should expect from it? Does it strengthen or weaken Russian influence?

There are many questions about declining the cooperation and dialogue with separatist authorities because they are illegal formations. It is not attractive reality, but nobody is afraid of strict TV rhetoric of Georgian officials or their voyages in Brussels and Strasbourg.

What is the result from declaring that they are criminal regimes and we will not start dialogue with them until they do not recognize integrity of Georgia? Does it make them strong or weak? Would not it better to make Georgian factor more considerable and necessary for them or make them finally accustomed to living without Georgia? Does our refusal on dialogue and cooperation result into unification of our country?  Or how long are we going to refuse it and wait for secessionist authorities to beg us to join Georgia? It is clear it will never happen, but if we completely split all kind of relations with them, the process of reconciliation will finally fade away. Time is running out…

c) Nobody argues today, that at least for 15 years in future entire world will have to cooperate with Putin’s Russia. Georgian authority has stubborn position and refuses to converse with Putin’s authority until Georgian territories are occupied by them. Alongside it, there is no sign that Russian authority is going to change their decision and they also refuse to cooperate with Georgian authority.

And who benefits from mutual refusal? Of course, only Russia does. Time will go and everyone will accustom to the situation and in several years entire world will consider current reality.

The later the conversation will start the better starting position Russia will have. Consequently, although it is quite clear why Russia refuses to dialogue, we cannot understand the refusal of Georgian authority on dialogue. Instead taking advantage of international support in this direction, Georgia prefers to be stubbornly silent. In parallel to it, it is not clear what they expect and what might happen to make them change their position.

It is within Georgian interests to start dialogue and if our authority continues to refuse dialogue because Russia has occupied our territories, it means we have put up with the losing of these two regions.

It means we are also waiting for the fine day when somebody else will talk with Russia instead us; we are waiting that miracle will happen and somebody will convince Russia to return our territories to us back or Russia will fall apart and become so weak that we will easily revenge them or one day Putin will wake up in high mood and will be sorry for his actions and etc.

Georgian authority should explain clearly and distinctly what results they expect from refusal on dialogue and when the dialogue will start in 2010, 2015 or 2030? Or do they plan to resolve this problem after Putin resigns?

Dialogue with Russia will be very difficult of course, particularly for this authority. However, state interests require the authority to take these measures. Relationship between states never relied on moral and justice and it does not rely today either. This is the reality and we should put up with it.

That’s why historical leaders of Georgia, who were famous for their courage, never refused to negotiate with Muslim leaders of invaders to protect the country from disaster. (Dimitri Tavdadebuli could refuse to go to Urdo because Argun Kaen was aggressor and enemy of his country; he could take advice of Georgian Nobel men and migrate to Mtiuleti or start negotiations with duke of Venice to establish commercial-economical relations, but state interests were most important for him)

Unlike best examples of our history, today it is obvious that refusal on dialogue by Georgian authority originates from personal discomfort and not from state interests.

In addition to that, there is nothing new in post-war policy for conflict-resolution; it is only premature echo of the strategic approach which aims to compel Abkhaz and South Ossetian people with every possible source to return to Georgia. August war and follow-up situation faded these illusions like soap-bubble. Today nobody believes or fears this direction. That’s why returning to pre-war rhetoric, boasting, revenging clips, making fists and looking with glaring eyes from TV screens is complete anachronism and opposes state interests and serves only personal positions of people.

Current situation and challenges for Georgia requires working out completely new approaches in conflict resolution and their implementation in life. First of all, it is necessary to be liberated from illusion that one fine day we will have a miracle and by successful military operation, or by UN resolution or other single act or activity we will reintegrate our country. It will not happen and living with this hope means to put up with disintegration of the country.

Since compulsion is excluded, there is only one way for unification of country and it depends on desire of Abkhaz and Ossetian peoples. Current reality created because of mistakes made by Georgian authority at various time and other inconvenient situations is the following: if Abkhaz and Ossetian people does not want, we will not be able to compel them to return by force! They must be sure that living in Georgia is guarantee of their welfare and cultural-economical development, independence and security. Without that, unification of Georgia is illusion. This is a difficult but solvable problem. Ossetian, Abkhaz and Georgian peoples do not have much time to decide, within 10-15 years we should see such possibility. That’s why it is necessary to work every day in this direction and not to brick up and petrify current conflict.

If current policy continues and Abkhaz, Ossetian and Georgian peoples go on living separately, in 10-15 years unification of Georgia will become unreal dream. Georgia has serious challenge - to reduce Russian control in the region and increase its own influence; it can be achieved only by one way - Georgia must become most necessary and attractive partner for its break-away regions. Georgia should direct all its external and internal resources in this direction. We should also realize that it is impossible to fight against Russia for the control in the region.

There is no alternative for changing the aggressive policy into voluntarily and consent policy; in this direction brave and courage steps shall be taken. I would like to repeat once more that agreement means the activities for destroying the current controversy between Ossetian, Georgian and Abkhaz peoples. Confidence-building is the only source, but this feeling shall be established in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and they should believe that Georgia is the state which is the first supporter, ally and protector for them. They should believe that integration with Georgia will be basis for maintaining their nationality and welfare.

Choosing this way by Georgia means giving security guarantees to currently secessionist populations without any conditions and requirements. We should remember that giving this guarantee is not dangerous but isolation is real threat. It is urgently important for Georgia to integrate South Ossetia and Abkhazia into economical world system instead continuation of economical blockade. Thus, Georgian side should do its best to draw maxim attention of leading states towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Population of Abkhazia and SO should see that Georgia assists them into establishing economical-cultural links with the world in free transportation without additional political bargains and conditions.

Today we should not call upon the foreign states not to establish economical and other connections with secessionist regions and we should not enact laws which restrict their cooperation with other countries; in this way we encourage Russia to invest their capital in break-away regions which reinforces their influence over them. Just the opposite we should support their integration.

The more western companies enter and carry out investments in these regions, the more local politicians will envisage European rules of politics. Georgia receives only declarations on the support of territorial integrity and it has only very concrete economical and political contest. Planning the economical projects profitable for all parties and their implementation, involvement European capital and experience in them will increase the role of western states in the conflict resolution.

Not only removal of all forms of blockade is urgently necessary but restoration of railway road and support of similar integrations are very important – creation particular conditions for the population of Abkhazia and South Ossetia which will enable their free transportation in Georgia and participation in economic activities. For this purpose it is necessary to work out legislative basis which will be oriented on protecting a person instead formalities – for example, what kind of documents will a person hold and what is the number of his car.

We should think, maybe it will be nice to announce moratorium on discussion political problems for several years (5-10 years). It is not excluded to discuss temporary economical status for Abkhazia and South Ossetia which could encourage development of high-level relationship.

World experience demonstrates that postponing political issues and focusing on economical activities have real results in conflict-resolution and Ergneti market was good example for it. Ergneti market had bigger importance in peace building process then any high-level political negotiations and discussions.

Similar activities shall be urgently started in order to hinder and subdue the separation of Abkhaz and Georgian peoples, Ossetian and Georgian peoples – it is the most dangerous factor. We should create conditions for restoration of cultural and every-day life connections; it will result into confidence-building.

However, it will remain ordinary words and still-born project, if the government of Georgia does not find enough sources in itself to start dialogue with Russia and secessionist regions. It is second-level question whether we like de-facto authorities or not because today they are real governors and waiting for some miracle is equal to crime.

We should also consider the fact that steps taken towards kind will and cooperation inside the country and reasonable policy in regard with Russia will enable our western partners to act more efficiently. They will be able to use their huge potential only in this way because they feel themselves comfortable only in similar field instead confronting with Russia. International support in this field will always remain on the level of declarations; though we can turn it into strong political-economical tool.

After cooperation and confidence-building will reach high level, we will have chance to think on resolving of political problems too; we will be able to find constitutional form of coexistence which will be acceptable for everyone. It is not huge problem in our age when decentralization is actively going on within many states as well as integrations between states.

With our current policy we have turned our back to Abkhazia and South Ossetia and we are parting from them day-by-day. Time not always cures old pains and very often it makes people to forget each other. That’s why it is urgently necessary to take steps towards Abkhaz and Ossetian people.

“Resonance”, 12.01.2010
